The Tribal Housing Department serves our Native community by providing low to moderate-income housing on the reservation and offering a number of other services and assistance programs to members on and off the reservation. Our NAHASDA grant and other tribal revenue support our tribal housing community and various community programs like the Homeless Prevention and Student Rental Assistance program. The Department works in conjunction with the Health and Human Services and Education Departments to provide services to the community. The Housing Department currently employs a full-time Housing Director,
Housing Coordinator, a Housing Maintenance Supervisor, and Maintenance Technician.

Paul Fernandez, Housing Director
(707) 472-2207 | housingdirector@coyotevalley-nsn.gov
The Tribal Housing Department serves our Native community by providing low to moderate-income housing on the reservation and offering a number of other services and assistance programs to members on and off the reservation. Our NAHASDA grant and other tribal revenue support our tribal housing community and various community programs like the Coyote Valley Drug Elimination Program, Homeless Prevention, and Student Rental Assistance program.
The Department works in conjunction with Tribal Police and Education Departments to provide services to the community. The Housing Department currently employs a full-time Housing Director, Housing Coordinator, a Housing and Maintenance Supervisor, a Janitor, a full-time Resident Safety Officer, and two Youth Tutors.
COVID Rental & Utility Payment Assistance for Tribal Members
NAHASDA – IHBG provides for adequate, safe, affordable housing and housing opportunities to low and moderate-income members of the Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians residing on the reservation and within the Tribe’s service area. Provides for crime prevention programs, tribal housing maintenance, student rental assistance, homeless prevention, and rental deposit assistance.
Student Rental Assistance
This program was designed to provide rental assistance to eligible Tribal Member students. Monthly rental payments of up to $300.00 will be paid to the landlord of each eligible Tribal Member student while the Tribal Member attends college. The Member student must maintain a grade point average of 2.0 or above, be a full-time student, and must not be placed on academic probation in order to continue to receive the assistance.
Homeless Prevention Program
The program is designed to assist eligible tribal members with temporary housing in emergency and homeless situations. Program services include paid temporary hotel stay situation while acquiring permanent residency, and temporary relocation assistance in emergency situations. The service is limited to a one-time basis, per household, per three year period. The assistance amount is not to exceed $1500.
Emergency Housing Assistance Program
The Emergency Housing Assistance Program provides financial assistance for its low, to moderate-income tribal members facing unique emergency situations that require them to relocate or maintain secure, safe, sanitary, and adequate housing for themselves and their families living off the Tribe’s reservation.
BIA Utility Assistance and Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
The BIA Financial Assistance and Social Services program provides General Assistance: Cash assistance to meet the essential needs of food, clothing, shelter, and utilities.
The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) helps keep families safe and healthy through initiatives that assist families with energy costs. The tribe provides federally funded assistance in managing costs associated with home energy bills, energy crises, and weatherization and energy-related minor home repairs.
BIA Utility Assistance Application