Din e a mete ma- “Remember Mother Earth”
As water is the substance of life so is our beloved Mother Earth. Our responsibilities are to protect the two-legged, four-legged, the winged ones, the ones that crawl on their belly, human health, land, air, and water by developing environmental laws and regulations with a commitment to the tribal membership, sustainability, partnership, and restoration.
We strive to collaborate with the members and departments of Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians to protect and restore the environmental health of the reservation in a culturally sensitive manner. The department will collaborate with federal, state, and local agencies as well as other tribes to procure funding for the benefit of the environment and health of the Reservation and to ensure that Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians is made aware of important decisions and issues which may impact the reservation or its members.
The Coyote Valley Environmental Protection Department is active in water quality testing, stream monitoring, solid waste planning and implementation, invasive species monitoring, planning for native species protection, environmental health outreach, youth intern training, drought and hazard mitigation planning, as well as collaborating with other departments to meet the needs and concerns of the human and environmental health of the members, residents, guest, and employees of Coyote Valley Reservation. The Environmental Protection Department works within the land base of approximately 78 acres of Federal Trust Land with an exterior boundary to the south by Forsythe Creek with some sections of the creek having Reservation land on both sides, and the exterior boundary to the East is the West Fork of the Russian River with a small section where both banks lie within the Reservation. This section includes the confluence with Salt Hollow Creek.
Additionally, outreach programs update members living on and off the Reservation regarding Environmental Protection Department activities on the reservation as well as environmental issues in general.
BIA Tribal Transportation Program (TTP)
DOI Bureau of Reclamation: Riverbank Restoration
US EPA Environmental Information Exchange Network Grant Program provides funding to develop an Internet-based, secure network that supports the electronic collection, exchange, and integration of high-quality data.
US EPA Performance Partnership: (GAP, WPC 106, NPS 319)
General Assistance Program (GAP): EPA provides assistance to the Tribe to develop the capacity to manage our own environmental protection programs and to develop and implement solid and hazardous waste programs.
Clean Water Act Section 319 (NPS 319): EPA provides grants and technical assistance to support tribal environmental programs in assessing and managing nonpoint source (NPS) pollution problems and threats.
Clean Water Act Section 106 (WPS 106): EPA provides assistance to establish and administer programs for the prevention, reduction, and elimination of water pollution.